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Town of Hurley ClimateSmart Goals and Plans

Hurley took the pledge to be a Climate Smart Community in 2018. In 2020 the Climate Smart Task Force was officially formed.  When tasks are completed, points are received which enable Certification, and additional resources for climate change initiatives become available.  Hurley achieved Bronze Certification in 2023.


Hurley's community and municipal Greenouse Gas Inventories can be found here.




To achieve Bronze Level Certification the Task Force must earn at least 120 points. Points are awarded for completing tasks.  The chart below shows the actions we worked on and  how many points could be earned for  each of one of those actions. With these actions, we received Bronze Certification in 2023.  

Actions and Points Submitted in January 2023

Hurley Mini Split Info

Hurley Mini Split Info

Hurley Solar Array Poster

Hurley Solar Array Poster

Hurley Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2010

Hurley Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2010

GHG at Hurley Rec Summer Camp

GHG at Hurley Rec Summer Camp

Solarize Hurley Postcard

Solarize Hurley Postcard

Hurley Town Hall Solar Array

Hurley Town Hall Solar Array

EV Car Show

EV Car Show

Hurley Climate Smart

Hurley Climate Smart

Building a GHG at the Ulster Co Fair

Building a GHG at the Ulster Co Fair

Red Headed Woodpecker at the Hurley Green Living Expo

Red Headed Woodpecker at the Hurley Green Living Expo

Town of Hurley Logo

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Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The program offers free technical assistance, grants, and rebates for electric vehicles.

2020-24 Town of Hurley, NY

Website Manager: Lynne Bailey

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