What You Can Do In Your Yard
At-Home Composting
Pollinator Gardens
Electric and Manual Yard Tools
Fallen Leaves? Leave some on the lawn
What to Plant? Seek out native species
Rethink Lawns
Keep Our Drinking Water Safe: Say NO to pesticides and chemical fertilizers - chemicals seep through the ground and can contaminate wells, poisoning drinnking water. If you must use chemicals for, do so with precision and caution.

In Your Home
Install Heat Pumps for Heating & Cooling
Get an Energy Audit, and upgrade as needed
Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, whatever you can
Detoxify - your home, your medicine cabinet and your cleaning solutions. Try using vinegar and baking soda https://returntonow.net/2018/06/20/baking-soda-and-vinegar/
On the Road
Switch to Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Limit individual car use by planning out errands to conserve time and energy
Use public transporation and car pool whenever possible
Maintain your vehicle to optimize energy usage