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Town of Hurley Climate Smart Task Force Updates

First - A Big Shout Out and Exciting News!

Thank you to everyone for helping the CSTF qualify the Town of Hurley for $25,000 in grant funds from NYSERDA and there's another $10,000 pending. With community members reporting new EV and Heat Pump purchases plus community solar subscriptions, the Town of Hurley is claiming these grants to offset sustainable upgrades in the town. This money will help pay for the new EV charger at Town Hall, and can be used to fund energy efficient upgrades to the old library building. 

Sustainable Hudson Valley is hosting the 4th annual Hudson Valley Climate Solutions Week + from September 13 -  September 29, 2024.

Local businesses and organizations throughout the Hudson Valley hold in-person and online events that address actionable climate solutions in our region. This year the lineup includes virtual and in-person events: a climate carnival in Columbia County, workshops on resilient design, postcard writing, mobile yard sale and a talk by renowned climate strategist Bill McKibben  Here’s a sampling:

  • Thursday, 9/12 8:30 am: The Hudson River Watershed Alliance is hosting a virtual talk on how to build strong partner networks to protect drinking water resources.

  • Also on 9/12 at 6 pm: Meet the author and take home a copy of his book, At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Climate Crisis and Other Emergencies in Kingston at the Good Work Institute (GWI) Greenhouse.

  • Friday, 9/14: Calling on all Architects, Contractors, Developers, Property Managers and Designers to sign up with the GWI  in Kingston for a one-day workshop to learn more about creating affordable, healthy and resilient spaces in the Hudson Valley.  Virtual attendance is possible.

  • Saturday 9/14: The Mohonk Preserve Visitor Center is hosting two events: One in the morning, an intriguing conservation to share with and learn from others how global warming affects our lives and how to discuss it; In the afternoon a kid’s activity, The Incredible Carbon Journey starts at 2 pm.

  • Tuesday 9/17 at 12 noon: Hear Bill McKibbon in person in nearby Rhinebeck at Upstate Films. He will speak about Why This Election is the Most Important of This Geological Era.

Get more info and browse all the events at

Hurley Heritage Day

Here in Hurley, visit the Climate Smart Task Force booth at Hurley Heritage Day on September 21, 2024. Pop over to learn more about how we’re helping the community become more resilient and prepared for a changing climate. We’ll have a display from Citizens for Climate Action, fun hands-on activity for kids. Learn more about what's really recyclable from the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency (UCRRA) and score a reusable shopping bag. We hope to see you there enjoying Main Street’s stone houses, guided walking tours, live music, food trucks, and more!

Want to learn more about making clean energy upgrades in your home? 

It’s easy to sign up to talk to an energy coach for free to help you decide what options are right for you: or . Discover financial incentives at, special interest rate funding for all residents, and grants for lower income earners from NYSERDA. If a homeowner qualifies for HEAP, then their home qualifies for energy upgrade grants.


Easy, Affordable Air Quality Monitoring Now Available

About Sophia Roberts

At the Climate Smart Task Force meeting in July, Air Quality Monitoring was the topic of discussion with a presentation from Sophia Roberts. She let us know that individual monitoring of local air quality is not only important but is also easy and affordable to do.

“Air quality monitoring involves observing the concentration of gas and particle pollutants in the air. One such type of pollutant that is often measured is fine particulate matter, with diameters of less than 2.5 micrometers (pm2.5). This type of particulate often comes from human activities such as fossil fuel combustion, wildfire emissions or from seasonal allergens.” The monitors do not distinguish the type of particulate.
Ms. Roberts also emphasized that, “Particulate Matter is very concerning because of its hazardous effects on human health. This includes • irritation of the lungs, nose, throat, and eyes • aggravation of pre-existing respiratory conditions • increased risk of heart attacks and irregular heartbeat • declined cognitive function and • neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease and related dementias). For these reasons, it is important to have a large network of evenly distributed air quality monitors available for comprehensive assessment of air quality patterns.”

Installing a sensor on your own property can help you monitor the air quality most local to you. Various low-cost monitor options are now on the market allowing individuals to purchase and monitor their own local air quality. According to studies conducted by the Westervelt Aerosol Group, the accuracy of all of these monitors is comparable under the air quality conditions found in most of the Hudson Valley, especially when compared or validated against "gold standard" NYSDEC or USEPA monitors.

Here's a chart of low-cost monitors now available. By purchasing one of these monitors, you can be a part of citizen science by observing and collecting available air quality data of air you breathe every day*. Most of these units use an electrical outlet and a wireless Internet connection. Some have a solar power option.

Chart of air quality monitors

Air quality monitor images

*If you choose to have your sensor online it is automatically added to a page with all the other sensors and anyone can access the PM concentration data. Only the location and data is shared and should not be a privacy or security concern. Check out PurpleAir's real time data map!

Here's the map for air quality data from the afternoon of July 19, 2024 around Hurley, NY.

Purpleair sample air quality map


Climate Row at 2024 Ulster County Fair

From the Ulster County Fair

Members of Hurley's Climate Smart Task Force - Kristen Schara, Peter McKnight and Lynne Bailey - are manning the tables of Climate Row again this year. Lynne also created many of the graphics for the fair. The fair is open through Sunday, August 4th and it's full of fun exhibits, rides, good food and music. Stop by and visit.

GHG activity photo at 2024 Ulster County Fair

This year Climate Row is focused on expanding Solar Mapping throughout the county, getting more residents onto Climate Smart committees, and the county's Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) project (we'll write more about that in another post). Learn more about Greenhouse Gas Molecules - kids can build their own models using candies and take home seeds. Learn about energy efficient and cost saving upgrades to your home, and more ways to offset rising temperatures.

Upcoming Meetings Date Changes

CSTF meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month. This month, however, we'll be meeting on Wednesday August 14th, instead of the 8th. Next month we'll meet on Monday, September 9th, instead of the 3rd. Meetings start at 7 PM and take place viritually using Google Meet. To join a meeting online, go to uuvh-ehy. To join by phone, call (912) 712-4401 and enter 283 106 119# when prompted for a PIN.

Community Campaign Update

To date town residents have completed steps for CEC Grant Applications including 1) Electric Vehicles purchses (Tier 1 - $5,000), 2) Heat Pump installations (Tier 1 - $5,000), and 3) Clean Energy Community 1 - Star Designation ($10,000). Both EVs and Clean Heating submissions were accepted by NYSERDA and our coordinator, Kirsten Schara awaits another email for the grant money application. We expect to support funding the new EV charger at town hall, and/or contribute to funds for renovating the heating system of the old library.

The Clean Energy Campaign is still open! If you install heat pumps or a heat pump hot water heater, email us and let us know. We may be able to achieve Tier 2 heat pump installations qualifying the town for additional grant money.

Hurley Heritage Day - September 21

We're all looking forward to celebrating the Hurley Heritage Society's 50th Birthday at Hurley Heritage Day on Saturday, September 21st. Hope to see you there enjoying kid's activities, stone houses, guided walking tours, live music, demonstrations and exhibitions, food trucks, and a variety of vendors. The Climate Smart Task Force will be tabling a booth as well, with information on financial incentives for clean energy upgrades and we'll bring some of the UC Fair displays with us. We'll have information about the Climate Action Plan project with opportunities for visitors to participate.

Hottest Day Yet

It does seem likes it's been a pretty hot summer. In fact, the hottest days ever recorded just took place on Sunday July 21, and Monday July 22, 2024. Read more about it here and on NASA's website.

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Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The program offers free technical assistance, grants, and rebates for electric vehicles.

2020-24 Town of Hurley, NY

Website Manager: Lynne Bailey

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