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Town of Hurley Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories

This Community GHG Inventory report was produced by the Town of Hurley Climate Smart Task Force, and a draft imade available to the public via notice on the town's website on June 28, 2022.  Read the report here.

Hurley's Government Operations GHG Inventory was revised to include
emissions from landfill in December 2022, and presented to the Town Board on December 13, 2022. Read the report here.    


Watch our coordinator discuss the report with the Town Board. 

Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory 

This Community GHG Inventory report was produced by the Town of Hurley Climate Smart Task Force, made available to the public via notice on the town's website and presented to the Town Board on March 22, 2022.

The Climate Smart Task Force used data from the Mid-Hudson Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory  which contains emissions data for the region from the year 2010. Published in 2012 by ICF International for New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA), local data was identified to create the Town of Hurley baseline inventory.

Hurley GHG Emissions (2010)
GHG Comm Emissions 2022-03-02 023918_edited.jpg
Purpose of the Inventories

Greenhouse gasses (GHG) trap heat between the earth’s surface and its atmosphere. Understanding the sources of greenhouse gas emissions and establishing a GHG baseline inventory are critical first steps in the local climate action process. 


A Greenhouse Gas Inventory identifies activities that are responsible for GHG emissions, quantifies the level of each activity, and then calculates the associated emissions resulting from transportation fuels, waste, energy usage in buildings, and other sources within the community. An essential way to understand how many greenhouse gasses are being emitted into the atmosphere is by measuring them and converting all gasses into a metric ton of CO2  (Carbon Dioxide) equivalent (MTCO2e). Each of these steps, defining the activities, measuring the level of the activity, and determining the consequent emissions, is carefully calculated in order to build a credible, transparent, and easily replicable inventory.

The resulting inventory provides a baseline which can be used to measure future progress in reducing a town’s collective emissions, and will serve to guide the development of a Climate Action Plan for the Town of Hurley.

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Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The program offers free technical assistance, grants, and rebates for electric vehicles.

2020-24 Town of Hurley, NY

Website Manager: Lynne Bailey

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